Sticking to Your Resolutions

Sticking to Your Resolutions

Many people make resolutions that will help them have a better life; but they never kept them. I understand that you want to have a better life and that’s why on BrojidStepUp today, I want to share with you practical things you can do to be able to stick to your resolutions.

Let me start by sharing with you what resolution actually means. Resolutions are not a list of what you would want to do differently at the begging of a new year. It’s not a list of what hurts you and people around you which you wish not to repeat. Resolutions are decisions for change in lifestyle, born of convictions in a quest for a better life.


If at the beginning of the year, you made a list of things you don’t want to do from this New Year, simply because another calendar year has started, it’s not a resolution. However, if in the course of your appraisal of the previous year, you find things that are wrong which may have retarded your progress in certain areas of your life and resolve not to continue it, then you have made resolution.


For many people the time for resolution is at the beginning of the year; for some others, it’s not. In fact, I have seen people strongly condemn make resolution at New Year and others that have encouraged people to make New Year resolution for a better life.


While I don’t see anything wrong with make resolution at New Year, I do not think that is anything special or magical about it.  For me, the time to make resolution is not necessarily about a date; but a season. You make resolutions when you get to that season in your life where you find that there are things you should change about your lifestyle to enable you live a better life.



Therefore, if at the middle of the year, you find that you are so fashion conscious that you spend the money you should have invested in your business or career advancement trying to meet up with the Jones and joneses, you should resolve to change. Also, if in the last week of the year, you find that you need to drop promiscuous lifestyle, then you should make resolution to stop it.


Nothing is wrong if you make resolutions at New Year provided you are not doing it because it’s ritual to make resolution at that time; but because you have discovered aspects of your life that needs to be changed.


Making Strong Resolution

A key to keeping your resolution is making it strong. Strong resolutions are of list of things you chose not to do any longer; but things which you chose not to do or start doing based on a thorough understanding that there is need for change.



When you have made resolution, there are practical things your can do to be able to keep them. You need to put some discipline that will enable you keep them. Also, you need to get closer to people that will encourage you to keep your resolution and distance yourself from those that will draw you back on keeping your resolution. Meanwhile, if you blunder at any point, pick yourself up and continue.



PS: You can learn more on the by listening to my podcast on the subject HERE.


Ifeanyichukwu Dinwoke

Ifeanyichukwu 'Brojid' Dinwoke is a Media Strategist, Web Developer & Book Publisher. At Brojid World, he creates blog, podcast, and book that inspire you for peak performance in life and work. He is madly in love with Chidinma Eberechukwu (@chidinmadinwoke) who agreed to be the wife of his youth!

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