Before You Give a Dime in Church

If you are a Christian or an intending one, you must have heard about giving and sowing of seeds.
If you read newspapers and are abreast with trends on social media, you would have come across critical comments about how pastors enrich themselves by milking their members.
You may have also seen people who give their all in church or sow seeds in church for different kinds of results.
I am sure you must have come across people who, although are Christians but hardly part with a dime of their money for their pastors or any preacher.
Some of the questions begging for answers are: what’s the place of giving in church? Why should we give a ‘rich’ pastor? Does God really require our offering to bless us?
I am not a custodian of Bible theology; but I have heard, reflected and studied on this matter for a while and therefore want to share this short note on giving with you.
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