Now that Your Ex Has Wedded…

God told you that she is your wife but she got wedded last Saturday. It’s either that you didn’t hear God or she is like Jonah running away from God’s instruction. So, what should you do? Let’s talk about it.
Let me first tell you…
What You Should not Do.
Don’t pray that the marriage crashes; you are not the devil my friend.
Don’t become envious when they share their couple’s goals pictures; you are not a wizard.
Don’t wish they don’t give birth; children are a gift from God, not your wishes.
Don’t start a stupid competition with him; face your front and run your race.
Don’t hate her husband; the guy didn’t commit a crime by falling in love with your crush.
Know What You Should Do?
First, understand that unless something drastic happens (it rarely does), consider your relationship with sister Rose dead. I mean the babe don marry and is possibly enjoying nkuri with her husband under this harmattan cold.
Next, behave like the Israelites did when they lost an important person.
“1. Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the Lord, saying, “Who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them?” 2. And the Lord said, “Judah shall go up. Indeed I have delivered the land into his hand.” (Judges 1:1-2 NKJV)
So, as you cry over the heartbreak, turn to God and ask Him, “Now that Sister Rose has defied your instruction and married Brother Tony, who shall be my wife?
You will hear Him say* to you, “Sister Monica [or whoever] because I have delivered her heart into your hand.”
You may not hear Him immediately; but when He speaks, you will surely hear. He may not thunder His voice from the sky; but as He did to me, He can make you write a book and put in your heart that Chidinma [My wife], who was not even on my friends’ list one year before I chyked her, should give me her input on the book as a way of getting us to meet.
In fact, as long as you don’t block your ears with earphones [figuratively], He will speak to you in a way that will be unmistaken.
While you wait for Him to speak, you need to fight bitterness, envy and competition with Sister Rose and her husband.
If you can’t forgive this ‘heartbreaker’ Sister Rose, please unfollow her on social media so you won’t be seeing pictures of her happy home that will be peppering you.
Get Busy!
Get busy with life. It’s a lover you lost; not your scrotum my friend! Get back to work and replace the space she once occupied with work.
If you are a mechanic, get back to the workshop and work like mad. If you don’t have cars to fix, break down one and fix it. Lol.
If you are a tailor, cut cheap materials and be practising new styles. Let your satisfaction be in the new things you learn and accomplish; not in the sweet voice of Sister Rose that sends you to sleep.
Replace her picture on your screen with the picture of your role model. Let your joy come from getting closer to the skills and competence of your role model than getting married to Sister Rose.
In fact, if you don’t have work[I wonder what you are doing with a girl if you don’t], look for action movies and watch. Avoid all those Indian romance movies; they can worsen your situation. These action movies will provide you with the needed distraction to think clearly about the loss.
In due time, you will realize that Sister Rose is just one of God’s masterpieces and not the only one.
It will become clear to you that you were lying to yourself and the babe when you said to her, “I can’t do without you.” Bros, you can do without seven Sister Roses! You hear?
In fact, in some instances, when you have healed, moved on and located your Sister Monica, you will buy 3 rams, 7 tubers of yam, call family and friends to thank God that Sister Rose left you.
Take heart, forgive, heal and move on. All the best bro!
*No mind say I quote Bible up there. I no be Pastor o. I am a bloody Media Strategist [Web & Graphic Designer + Publisher] at Fratee Media. To learn more about how God speaks to His people, you can get the book, “Guided by The Spirit“ and “What is God’s Will Here?“ by Pastor Bankie. You can download a free copy when you visit the book section of his website,