Work on What Really Matters for Your Goal

In continuation of this series on reaching your goal, another thing I want you to do is focus in what really matters in achieving your goal.
You see, when it comes to achieving your goal, there are things that matter and others that don’t.
Even the things that matter don’t matter equally, they significantly vary in their impact on achieving your goal.
To illustrate this, let’s talk about job hunt.
If my goal is to secure a job in a firm, what matters most is not my appearance; but my capacity to convince my employer that I am the best person for the job.
No doubt, it matters that I dress properly; however, the usefulness of fine dress is so small compared to my developing right competencies.
Many times in trying to achieve a goal, we don’t really focus in what matters; we just do everything we think will work.
Eventually, we may end up translating our goal to reality; but only after we must have wasted our time and resources on frivolities.
That’s why one thing I want you to do in pursuing your goal is to settle down and figure out the key actions and persons that matter in making that goal reality and concentrate your energy and effort on them.
Your goals don’t get accomplished by multitude of work and people.
You reach your goal by identifying the people and task that matters and sticking to them.
Working on them consistently is what wins for you!
Therefore, identify the task that matters and give it the needed attention, resources and focus.
That’s what works!
I don’t know the phase of life you are in now, but I feel you have one or two goals you are pursuing.
If my feeling is right, I want you to…
identify the task and people needed to reach the goal…
…scale them based in impact in the overall goal…
Get to work doing that from today.
That’s how to achieve your goal for this year or month.
Meanwhile, if you have difficulty concerning this, feel free to get in touch.