On the last edition of Scriptural Sense, entitled, There are Ways, I explained that many people desire to have a great future yet end up in poverty, mediocrity and crises primarily because of the way they go about life and not necessarily, Satan or their environment. This week, I’d want to show you why people take to the way of destruction so as to help you ensure you don’t start on it or deliver yourself from that path.

Broad and Spacious Is Path of Destruction

The fundamental reason for this can be found in the words of Jesus Christ as  recorded in  Saint Matthew’s gospel 7:13-14. “…broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction and many are the ones going in through it, whereas narrow is the gate and cramped leading off into life and few are the ones finding it”


What is the point here?


The way to destruction is easy to enter and has great comfort in it. That’s why it is very attractive that an average human being finds it very easy to ply.


Is the Bible saying here that the way of Christians is that of perpetual pains? I don’t think so!


My understanding of what Jesus Christ said is that, the natural inclination of an average man is to take the easy and comfortable way of life which eventually results in death. Therefore, to take the opposite route is described as narrow because of the discipline it requires and temporary pains it brings.


The way of destruction does not always look it from the beginning; it is usually easy and fun plying it. That’s why it is crowded. Beware of the easy ways; they don’t always lead to the best kind of life!


Beware of Satanic Deception

 Another reason I have found that results in people taking the way that seem right is satanic deception. Mrs. Adam that we talked about earlier, took to the path of destruction because she was deceived by Satan.


See, when God gives command, Satan usually comes to test the commanded. At such point you should be prepared not to be carried away by his deception. Do you realize that the starting point of Eve’s taking the way of destruction  wasgiving Satan attention and meditating on how good his proposals were?


I agree with Archbishop Benson Idahosa who said that, when you give Satan attention, he gives you direction. This woman gave Satan attention and she got direction that initiated her demotion. Please don’t fall for Satan’s deception. Once God has said something, don’t pay attention to the opinion designed to contradict it. It doesn’t matter how intelligent the analysis is. That’s why I won’t listen to anybody trying to explain divorce – something God says he hates. I don’t care about the numerous health benefits of sex until I am married!


If you pay attention to Satan and meditate on his opinion of God’s command to you, you will always take to the way that seems right but leads to destruction. Satan usually gives reasons why God’s word should not be obeyed.


for example, Satan could tell you that most Nigerians are corrupt and that corruption has crept into the church so who do you think still goes by the precepts of God? His goal is to make you believe nobody makes progress without corruption. But the guy is a bloody liar! People still make progress, win big contracts and get big jobs without participating in corruption.


Stop contemplating his proposal; just tell him that everybody in the world, not just a country was committing sin when Noah was saved. Don’t listen to the lie that, business cannot run with integrity. Men still do their businesses uprightly!


Please note that he doesn’t come out to discuss with you; he enters people and begin to use them. Sometimes, he enters your parents, children, lecturers, friends or even religious authority to speak to you. To anyone of them he chooses to enter, don’t hesitate to say to their discussion, “Satan get behind me.” That was what Jesus did when His personal assistant started speaking like Satan. (To learn how to identify such Satan and cast them away, see my article entitled, Casting Away Personal Satan)


Don’t be Ignorant of God’s Counsel


Ignorance of God’s wisdom is another factor that has led many in taking the path of destruction. Saul reasoned that, he needs to help God in providing resources for sacrifice to Him and God didn’t remember to tell Him to seize the opportunity. So,  he preferred to sacrifice instead of obeying.


There is nothing God doesn’t know. My studies of the Scripture and understanding of the way He relates with His people suggests to me that, He has written a script in heaven and controls events to play it out. He took into consideration everything about you in the script. In whatever God has created you to do – family, business and ministry – stick to His principles; don’t ever go contrary to it as a way of helping God out.


Any step you take as a way of helping him, gives you the result he has not promised and won’t lead you to his best for you. He needs no jolt of help from you. He doesn’t need you to help his strategies, instructions and plans for living.



Also, there are people who take to the way of destruction due to ignorance of the right way. They don’t know the wrong and right way; they move according to the prevailing opinion in their environment.


for example, a young man grew up in a business environment and  sawthat everybody lies so as to make sales and it appears as if it’s very normal. Thus, he takes to lying to make sales. Also, some girls see their mates make money by sleeping with men and think it’s the way forward without knowing that they have stepped on a time  bomb. That’s why as a Christian, you ought to be schooled  in the ways of God. What I mean is that, you need to settle down and learn God’s ways and precepts.


By the way, if you are living your life in a manner pleasing to God and it appears that you are not experiencing the goodies that are married to fearing God; don’t faint. You are on the path to the place, in the fullness of time; God will give you all that is your portion at the appropriate time. In fact, the time lag might be to test your resolution to obey God and train you to handle the glory that comes with the reward for your faithfulness.


Pastor Bankie in his book, Choices key to Destiny, said “Where you will get to in this life of yours is a function of the path that you have chosen; each path has a destination, and you can only choose your destination by choosing the road you will travel on.”


What is the path you have chosen in life? Is it in opposition to the ways of God? Is it bringing you gain despite being Satan’s way? You are on the path to destruction. You have opportunity to change now.   That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10 vs 9) You have an opportunity to make a change in your life today.

Editor’s Note: Your questions, comments, corrections and commendations are welcome. Kindly, scroll down to see the comment box and drop yours. We will love to hear from you.

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Ifeanyi Dinwoke

Ifeanyichukwu 'Brojid' Dinwoke is a Media Strategist, Web Developer & Book Publisher. At Brojid World, he creates blog, podcast, and book that inspire you for peak performance in life and work. He is madly in love with Chidinma Eberechukwu (@chidinmadinwoke) who agreed to be the wife of his youth!

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