Ever since I became aware of life, I have always heard variable opinions about the last four months of the year tagged Ember months. While some people think it to be months to double their hustle so as to reach their targets, others get into those months with fear of calamity. They fear imaginary enemies and run when no one is chasing them. That’s why I want to talk to you about these months today.
You see, the last months of the year don’t portend any danger in itself. God didn’t design it to be dangerous and your life is not at risk because the year is about to end. As a matter of fact, it’s essentially the same kind of hours and days in earlier months that you also find in those ember months. In short, they are just months, not danger season.
Despite that it’s widely believed and even promoted in many churches, I totally disagree with the claim that the last months of the year connote danger with all kind of negative significance. In fact, I believe it’s just myth handed down to people and has been peddled ever since. I understand that the Ember Month Phenomenon is just like some of those myths handed down to us. Some of us believe giving someone anything with the left hand has a spiritual connotation or that if the first person that came to your office or store didn’t buy, it’s bad omen for the day’s business. But these are unfounded views handed down to us.
I tried to listen to the explanations people have to offer for the fear and panic that characterize the last four months of the year.The most sensible explanation I have heard is that as the end of the year draws near and people struggle to beat their deadlines and attain their goal for the year, they engage in crime and perhaps look for blood for ritual. In the process they may diabolically cause accident, thieves will up their ante in the business and all kind of criminals also wake up to execute their evil plans.
While I don’t agree with the explanation, I dare say that even if it’s true, it doesn’t validate the fear which many people get into the months with. I mean, even if all the witches and wizards in the world gather at major roads or in the air within the last three months of the year, it is not a cause for worry to me.
You know why?
My security in life is not guaranteed by the absence of enemies, witch and wizards; it’s anchored on the ever present, strong protection that God Almighty provides me. I know that as long as God be with me, nobody, no evil or institution will ever successfully work against me. That’s why I walk into anywhere, any day, month or year with assurance of my safety, knowing that nothing can happen to me as long as God protects me.
All the witches, criminals and wizards may wake up to duty and face my direction, my house and get positioned in the roads I travel. But it has no consequence in my life and I will not be afraid because “the Lord …takes care of his saints; they will be kept safe for ever…(not just between January and August).” (Psalms 37:28 BBE, emphasis mine)
Whatever evil that may seem to be dominant toward year end, I dare say none of them will touch me, not because my head is big, but because my safety is of God and He never ever sleeps. That’s why I say to you that have made God your safety and refuge, walk into the ember months without any fear. You need not fear the calamities that come upon people and institutions because the word of God to you is this: “You will see a thousand falling by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.” (Psalms 91:7BBE)
Walk into it knowing that it’s greater exploits you are going to do. Walk into it knowing that you can only get better; stronger and more successful. I mean I know with certainty that “the path of righteous people is like the light of dawn that becomes brighter and brighter until it reaches midday.” (Prov. 4:8GW)
Please stop thinking that ember months are dangerous months, they are not. That thought will actually plant fear in your heart and drive faith in God from you. Please stop saying that it’s the month of bad omen so that you won’t be prophesying calamity into your life and endeavours. Create the ember month you desire with your word of prophesy!
Beware of the pastor leading you in ember month fast, many of them I have heard only succeeded in blowing up the power of the devil while as though the children of God are at his (the devil’s) mercy. Leave your enemies and forget prayers against them, most times, God takes care of them by default! Abraham wasn’t praying against Abimelech when God moved to kill him for taking Sarah. Daniel’s coworkers perished in the Lion’s den without Daniels prayer. Forget your enemies and pray to your God, He knows how to handle them when the need arises.
You may have seen, heard or experienced calamity towards year end, but that’s not a cause for fear. In fact, the last you experienced should be the last you will ever experience. That’s why I prescribe that you read this declaration of people of God and allow it sink into you.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present helpin times of trouble(including ember months). That is why we are not afraid even when the earth quakes or the mountains topple into the depths of the sea. Water roars and foams, and mountains shake at the surging waves. There is a river whose streams bring joy to the city of God, the holy place where the Most High lives. God is in that city. It cannot fall. God will help it at the break of dawn. Nations are in turmoil, and kingdoms topple. The earth melts at the sound of God’s voice.The LORD of Armies is with us. The God of Jacob is our stronghold. (Psa 46:1GW)
My point?
September is just a month, not a bad omen. Walk into it without any fear. Live your life to the full; don’t allow your pastor drive you into fear in the name of prayer. He that keeps you and I never sleeps. He is all-powerful. Nobody can fight Him and not get crushed and no battalion of witches or criminals is too large or tough for Him to handle!
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