A Mistake is step taken to get a particular result only to realize it was  wrong when an opposite result is gotten. Many campus students have made mistakes that marred their days on campus. Today, I want to show you some of them and how you can escape them.

Let’s go….



Time is the currency with which you put in your effort to get any result you desire on your day of graduation. That’s why I believe very strongly that the way you use your daily allocation of time on campus largely determine how successful your sojourn on campus. Unfortunately, many fresher’s fail to understand that their time on campus starts from the day they resume school. They fail to understand that the time for solid foundation for their academic excellence is in their first year. So, they while away their time, flexing and basking in the euphoria of freedom and being a undergraduate.


You must be careful to ensure you don’t make the same mistake. Many people cry in their final year for this mistake of not understanding and utilizing that time. Hit the ground running in your path to successful campus sojourn. Beyond the academic learning; also take advantage of any learning and self-development opportunities available in your school from your first year. Don’t join those who say, it’s not their business.



I have seen many people who on getting to campus conclude that they must be like most people they see there. Nothing wrong with it, especially if most people are more civilized, moral, intelligent, mature and serious than you. But if it’s that most people are flashier in their dressing, smartphone and extravagant lifestyle then, you are on your own.


I saw many people who got derailed from their true mission on campus because of conformist effect. They want to belong by all means; so, they spend money they should use to buy good books, attend self development training and seminars trying to buy clothes they don’t need.

You must be careful to ensure you don’t make the same mistake. Many people cry in their final year for this mistake of not understanding and utilizing that time. Hit the ground running in your path to successful campus sojourn.

My friend, don’t fall for it. Be yourself and pursue your mission on campus. When it seemed as if I am the odd person  because I have spent my money at a cyber café read and download stuffs and buy books, I remind myself that they are wearing their own money but I have stored my own in the future. I can tell you categorically, I have no regrets for not buying clothes for luxury but for necessity as an undergraduate.

In fact, recently one of my guys asked me when I learnt something for which I earn money from and it dawned on me that it’s was those early mornings and evenings of sitting at cyber café to surf the net.


My sister listen, you don’t have to change clothes as often as your roommate or class mate. You don’t know what her mission on campus is; yours is to get thoroughly educated and developed in character.  Focus on. Get the few clothes you have and ensure they are always in good condition. When you want to buy clothes or foot wares, buy one is one (You understand?) and not something that can’t last because it’s in vogue.


By Bros, let me tell you something. You don’t have to buy phone you can hardly afford to show your roommate that you follow. I find it laughable that some guys even spend money on gadgets they can hardly afford just to impress a girl. This is very silly! Do you need me to tell you that a girl whom what she fancies about you is the kind of phone you are using is a confused girl. So, why bother impressing such girl.


I think am talking too much on conformist effect.  Maybe I will devout a day to look at it in details. Please watch out for Beware of Conformist Effect in the weeks ahead.



Another destructive mistake many freshers make is entering into wrong association. There is this axiom that if you show me who your friend is, I will show you who you are. The people you associate with directly or indirectly affect you. Many people in a quest for friendship in the new world, enter into friendship that will make their sojourn on campus regretful instead of successful.


Many students on campus are there on a mission different from excelling in their academics. You cannot make them your friend! If you do, they will distract you greatly!


Your association is beyond human association; it extends to your organizational association. Don’t be involved in fellowships, clubs or societies that will distract you from your academic development. (For more on this, please read my past post, Which Fellowship and Same Admission; Different Mission)


Associate with people than will help you to get well developed in your academic and character. Associate with groups that will help you develop your talents, fine tune your skill, and become a better person.


As I recap, let me remind you that I have pointed out these blunders to help you prepare against making them. Do your best to avoid them and you will be taking a step in the direction of a successful sojourn on campus. May God grant you strength and wisdom to apply what you have learnt today in Jesus name.


Editor’s Note: These are not the only mistakes freshers make; it’s just three we can take today due to space. Just check on Freshers Mentor in the weeks ahead for more of this. Feel free to add any mistake you know in the comment box below.

Ifeanyichukwu Dinwoke

Ifeanyichukwu 'Brojid' Dinwoke is a Media Strategist, Web Developer & Book Publisher. At Brojid World, he creates blog, podcast, and book that inspire you for peak performance in life and work. He is madly in love with Chidinma Eberechukwu (@chidinmadinwoke) who agreed to be the wife of his youth!

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