Yesterday, as I was peeling a tuber of yam to prepare launch, a man and another child walked up to me and offered to share the word of God with me. I obliged them pointing out that I can’t stop my cooking. “I don’t mind” he responded.
He brought out a leaflet and a Bible and asked me who controls the world. “God now!” I answered emphatically.
From this, he started his sermon, reading Bible passages to prove that Satan rules the world. To cut the long story short, he came to tell me that Satan is in control of the world and we don’t have any role to play in bringing to an end his control. As long as Satan continues to control the world, the world can’t get better. He also told me to look forward to the world in paradise, where Christ will reign.
I consider this view erroneous and gave him my reasons citing Bible truths. When he couldn’t counter my argument, he told me, “We will continue this next time”
Now who really controls the world? Let me give you my answer in details.
It is misleading to teach Christians that Satan controls the world implying that the world will only get better when Jesus
There is no doubt that Satan’s kingdom exists here on earth but that doesn’t make Satan controller of the earth. God or Satan rules in any country or industry depending who the people yield to. If you are a school principal, and one of the teachers in your school is molesting the students, forming cult groups and giving marks for money, does it make sense to say he is now the controller of the school? That’s how that view doesn’t make sense!
There is no doubt that Satan’s kingdom exists here on earth but that doesn’t make Satan controller of the earth. God or Satan rules in any country or industry depending who the people yield to. If you are a school principal, and one of the teachers in your school is molesting the students, forming cult groups and giving marks for money, does it make sense to say he is now the controller of the school? That’s how that view doesn’t make sense!
No matter how great and wide the reign of Satan on the Earth is, we can see God’s supremacy and control over those areas by yielding ourselves to God’s principles and leadership. God or Satan manifest only through humans.
Some of the key areas where Stan reign supreme on the earth today are the media, fashion and business. We can hasten the leadership/control of God in these areas by living out God’s principles and values.
Make no mistake: you and I cannot, by our power, take over the control in any spheres of life that Satan occupies at present. Our job is to fine tune our skills and get better in the use of our talents and trainings, imbibe God’s values and yield to His leading. When He consider us fit, we will be useful for every good work. Then, He will from heaven pass a verdict, “I have taken hold of your right hand to help you capture nations and remove kings from power. City gates will open for you; not one will stay closed. As I lead you, I will level mountains and break the iron bars on bronze gates of cities.” Isa 45:1-2
Satan seems to be controller of the world because the majority of the people have yielded to his control over their lives. That’s why we suffer corruption and rottenness in our system. It’s not supposed to be so. Don’t be deceived by that heresy; take and maintain your righteous position in your school, workplace and community. As you do it, God will elevate you and that area where you the boss, God’s control of the world will be evident.