Success is good and attracts friends and favour. There is nobody I know that does not want and crave for success. But I found that many things we, Christians, call success is not truly successful. That is, what many people call success is a colossal failure. In fact, many people whom we see or who think they are successful are only successful failures.

The life of a Christian is meant to please God. The goal of any good Christian should be to please Christian to please God and being able to please God and being able to please God is success.

This implies that in his interaction with people, success is not what he gets but how he gets closer to pleasing God by the interaction. In his political and business life, the degree to which he pleases God is the degree to which he has succeeded.

When we disobey God just to get a result, use worldly methods to make progress and even lower God’s standard to achieve our goals, we are not succeeding.

The failure we call success is the success gotten by disobeying God and using Satan’s methods. Unfortunately, success comes with a twin – sorrow. It only takes time and events to become apparent!

Yes, the world looking at you will call you success, but God will be disappointed in you.

The temptation to disobey God to get result gets stronger when it appears that we will incur losses if we don’t use short cuts but it’s not really a loss. The truth is, “All the things you have lost because of righteousness are standing before God as a memorial; He will look at them and show them as a demonstration of your faith in Him and He will prove the kind of blessing that you have never seen.” Pastor Bankie


As you crave for success in any of your endeavour, be careful to ensure that you are getting failure in disguise. Ensure you are getting success without sorrow attached to it.

The failure we call success is what we get by using short cut, cheating, manipulating people and displeasing God. This kind of success denies you of character development and being found pleasing in God’s sight. The failure we call success is the success gotten by disobeying God and using Satan’s methods. Unfortunately, success comes with a twin – sorrow. It only takes time and events to become apparent!



Ifeanyichukwu Dinwoke

Ifeanyichukwu 'Brojid' Dinwoke is a Media Strategist, Web Developer & Book Publisher. At Brojid World, he creates blog, podcast, and book that inspire you for peak performance in life and work. He is madly in love with Chidinma Eberechukwu (@chidinmadinwoke) who agreed to be the wife of his youth!

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