God’s creations were empowered to bear fruit. God initiated this from creation when he instilled the seed of fruitfulness in them. To man, he gave the woman the seed – ovum – which, when fertilized by sperm in the right environment will bear fruits. He empowered plants by designing them to be fruitful such that when the seed is planted in the right environment, it bears fruit.
Apart from depositing the seed for fruitfulness in his creation, He designed systems that will bring about fruitfulness. As examples, he created a system of ovulation copulation to ensure fruitfulness as regards child bearing and farming for plant fruitfulness. God designed systems and empowered them to bring about fruitfulness. Examples of such systems are copulating, advertising, and prayer.
Copulation (sexual interaction between mature humans) is God’s system for bringing a human being into the earth. He has equipped the man and woman, which the seed and the right environment for bearing the fruit of children. The ovulation and copulation bring about the initiation and sustenance of the process that results in fruitfulness. When this happens and no fruit is gotten, the man or woman is regarded as unfruitful.
Just like copulation, advertising was not invented by marketing communication gurus like Philip Kotler, PR Smith or Nigeria’s Kola Oyeyemi. It was God’s design which He gave man understanding of perhaps in their quest for a means of letting people know what they are offering. God made the system such that when an advertising message is sent to the right audience effectively, it will elicit a positive response to the message. If the message did not produce positive response, the advertisement system is said to be fruitless.
Now, there are times that human being and systems which God has empowered to be fruitful fail to bear any fruit. A case in point is when Hannah though, well created and married to a fertile husband, yet fail to bear children.
This got me thinking; wondering what the true secret of fruitfulness is. I don’t claim to know it all but I want to share with you an understanding, I believe, God granted me on what makes for fruitfulness.
Despite setting up the structures and systems for fruitfulness, he is still in charge of fruitfulness. How? He controls rainfall and natural
If you desire to record success in business he has designed a system to bring about it. The system of business success is delivering value and getting a financial reward as a result; increasing the value you deliver and the amount of that benefit from it increases the return you get. For any area of your life you want to experience fruitfulness, be careful to understand the system God has put in place for fruitfulness and comply with it.
One of the secrets of fruitfulness is ensuring that we observe the systems God has designed for fruit bearing and cooperating with the system to bear fruit. As an example, God has set in motion a system for child bearing and any man that wants to have children should cooperate with the system by meeting with his spouse at the right time to initiate the functionality of the system. If you desire to record success in business he has designed a system to bring about it. The system of business success is delivering value and getting a financial reward as a result; increasing the value you deliver and the amount of that benefit from it increases the return you get. For any area of your life you want to experience fruitfulness, be careful to understand the system God has put in place for fruitfulness and comply with it.
Also, we must be careful to ensure that our motive for desiring fruitfulness is in tandem with his precepts. For God, motive counts greatly. Fruitfulness to a large extent is a reward from God for doing the right thing for the right reason; not necessarily the product of your effort. That’s why you must be careful to ensure that apart from doing the right thing, your motive is also right. He looks at it closely because people can be doing the same thing with different drive and for Him, He wants to be sure that you are doing whatever you want to do for the same reason He would to do them if He were on the earth. That way, He pours His power to you that multiply the effort you produce. If you are preaching, ensure your motive is pure – the desire to bless your listeners. If you are
when we fail to patiently wait for the gestation period of our seed we try to alter the system to get the fruit before time. This either brings about immature fruits or poorly developed fruits. That’s how come people rise quickly, but crashes almost immediately they hit limelight and business rise fast but come crashing.
Another secret of fruitfulness is walking with Him to activate fruitfulness when there is an obstacle to its manifestation. Get this clear. God designed His creation to be fruitful and it’s His will that they become fruitful. When you can’t see fruitfulness, go to Him in prayer and request the activation of fruitfulness. He may open your eyes on what to do or stop doing so as to activate fruitfulness or He will remove the power of death that is hindering fruitfulness. That was what Hannah did to activate fruitfulness of her womb. She had to come to point where she realized that all that she has and will get are to be dedicated to God before her womb was opened.
Patience is an important virtue in experiencing fruitfulness because it takes time and patience to wait for the germination, growing and fruiting of your seed. When we are not patient, we fail to wait on God for the full germination and maturation of the seed that bring about fruitfulness. Also, when we fail to patiently wait for the gestation period of our seed we try to alter the system to get the fruit before time. This either brings about immature fruits or poorly developed fruits. That’s how come people rise quickly, but crashes almost immediately they hit limelight and business rise fast but come crashing.
While we do what we ought to do to activate fruitfulness, we must be careful to ensure we don’t inhibit the process that brings about rainfall by our actions. Sin is one of the inhibitors of fruitfulness. That was why when David assumed the office of King of Israel, there was famine and when he inquired of God, he found that the problem was the sin of their former king, Saul.
“While David was king, there were three years in a row when the nation of Israel could not grow enough food. So David asked the LORD for help, and the LORD answered, “Saul and his family are guilty of murder, because he had the Gibeonites killed.” (2Sa 21:1).
What have I said today? God has empowered you and I to be fruitful in every area of your life. If you are not bearing fruit yet, check if you are not cooperating with the system. If you are, wait for the gestation period and ensure you don’t introduce a virus that leads to fruitlessness – sin.
May you become ever fruitful in Jesus name.