We have numerous needs and to meet them, we need to make purchases. However, many have bought what they need with pains and regrets following it. On Money Manager this week, I want to share with four you practical things you can do to reduce or avoid regrets after your purchases.
Avoid Emotional Buying
Emotional buying refers to the purchases you make; not primarily because it makes logical sense to make them; but because you feel like. There is hardly any purchase you make without your emotions playing an important role. However, you need to clearly persuade yourself that you have need for whatever you are buying.
A key to avoiding emotional buying is to logically analyse your buying decisions before releasing you money. Be sure you can afford it; you need it and very importantly be sure you can’t do without what you want to buy.
Buy What You, Not the Seller, Want
One of the ways of blocking leakages in your purchases is ensuring that your purchases are designed to meet a need, to make the seller happy. Some marketers somehow force their products and services on you. Don’t buy just because it’s marketed; but because you really need it. Don’t buy what will strain you while paying back.
Referrals Is a Good Guide
Please check where your friends, colleague and relations make their purchases. If they repeat purchases anywhere, it’s a sign that that place is good. Also, if they avoid a place, you can be sure that they have a bitter experience which you are almost sure to have if you go there.
Money doesn’t grow in trees; so, it doesn’t make sense to allow it get wasted. Even when you have it in abundance, stewardship to God requires that you don’t waste it. Do your best to block wastage. Four ways we can block wastages in our purchases is by avoiding emotional buying, buying what you need, get reliable referrals, and look properly before you leap.
In using referrals, please be careful to avoid following referrals given not because of quality of product or reliability of services product or service; but because they will get commission on the product they sell.
Look Before Your Leap
Don’t just buy because of adverts. Be sure you trust the seller and the products meet specifications advertised in the media or on the cover. Organisations that have used deception may not have changed. Take their marketing messages with a pinch of salt.
When a network service provider known for making one promise and not keeping it, start advertising unbelievable bonuses, look before you leap. When you see a product at a very cheap rate and the seller promises you all that a costlier one can do, look before you leap. When someone you know to lie as a way of marketing comes to market a product or service to you, please look before you leap.
Am not saying that they can’t change; just be sure that they have changed before commit any Kobo to them.
My point?
Money doesn’t grow in trees; so, it doesn’t make sense to allow it get wasted. Even when you have it in abundance, stewardship to God requires that you don’t waste it. Do your best to block wastage. Four ways we can block wastages in our purchases is by avoiding emotional buying, buying what you need, get reliable referrals, and look properly before you leap.
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