Life alone is lonely and difficult. Many companions abound but all of them can fail, except one – the Indispensable One. He makes all the difference in any man’s life. Discover that companion and why you need Him in your life.


Life journey is such that no man can embark on it alone successfully; thus, the need for companionship. There are many companions we can have ranging from parents, siblings, friends, relations and even total strangers. The essence of their companionship is to assist you in having a successful sojourn. However, all these companions can fail – either because of their natural weaknesses or sheer wickedness. But there is an indispensible companion can’t fail – God Almighty. My goal on Youth Mentor this week is to share with you why you need His companion to have a fruitful sojourn on the earth.

Strength In The Face Of Challenges

Life is full of challenges. Some of them come very strong on us; almost making meaningful progress impossible. Many of such challenges are not what you can handle yourself. No human can even help you out; no matter how much they love you. It takes God to help you tackle such challenges.

As an example, Peter must have deployed all the skills at his disposal to catch fish but failed to record any success until he got the companionship of God in the person of Jesus Christ. In the stormy sea, Jesus’ disciples were helpless save for the presence of God in the person of Jesus Christ on board with them.

You and I can enjoy such lift, help in the face of life’s unending challenges.

God; your Fighter that Never Fails

No matter how good you are, you cannot be enmity-free. The hatred your enemies have for you propels them to devise, plan and excuse wickedness against you. Some human beings are skilled at executing evil that except you have God on your side you don’t have any hope of surviving their onslaught. That’s why you need God to fight your hidden battles for you and win for you.

No matter what disadvantage you inherited or get exposed due to your background, when God becomes your companion, he takes you far beyond where your background can take you. Because for him prosperity is not  dependent on what people do but if any man delight in obeying Him, ‘in whatever he does, he prospers’

There are many wicked humans who can orchestrate evil in workplace, government circles, villages and even churches that you can’t by your powers and skill wedge war against successfully. But if God is your companion in your sojourn on this earth, you are sure to have your hidden battles fought and won for you.

God Arranges Opportunities for You

You need luck and God is the master at plotting luck for the prepared. I haven’t been on the earth for a very long time, but I have come to understand that hard work, preparations, skills and knowledge are not enough in having a successful journey in life.

Luck has been defined as preparation meeting opportunity. I agree with this definition. However, many people get prepared but lack but lack the platform to perform and make fortunes. I have seen people who graduated with powerful CGP; yet have no job.

It takes God to make your preparation meet the right opportunity that will elevate you. That was what God did for the biblical Joseph. Please beware of the opportunity orchestrated by men put people in bondage in the guise of help. When God gives you an opportunity, He doesn’t ask for cuts. It’s purely for your good.

God; catalyst to Your Efforts

You need catalyst to make your journey easier with maximum result. Like we were taught in basic science, catalysts are not part of the reaction; but help a reaction get completed faster and higher yield.

You are pursuing a goal or working on a project. You have dreams and aspirations and you are working hard on it. Thumbs up! However, your efforts can’t produce higher results, faster that you can on your own. That is what God can do for if you welcome him as your companion on your life journey.


God can catalyze your efforts by sending people across to assist you. He can make certain information available to you so as to give you far increased result. He will give you connections and send people to help you.

So, in your life journey, you can ensure increased and quicker turnover of result by ensuring that you have the companion ship of God to catalyze your efforts.

God Is The Neutralizer Of Disadvantages.

We come with one short coming or the other, many of which we can hardly do anything to change. But with God your disadvantages do not keep you disadvantaged.

You may have come from a home where you were abused or you were exposed to prevailing bad lifestyle that you put you in some sort of advantage.

You may have come from a background of poor educational training but God is the neutralizer.

It takes God to make your preparation meet the right opportunity that will elevate you. That was what God did for the biblical Joseph.

No matter what disadvantage you inherited or get exposed due to your background, when God becomes your companion, he takes you far beyond where your background can take you. Because for him prosperity is not  dependent on what people do but if any man delight in obeying Him, ‘in whatever he does, he prospers’

I am not talking to you as one who has arrived but having looked at those impacting their world positively and my experiment within the short time I have been around, I gleaned that God is that indispensable connection we need to become all that we are capable of becoming.

For me, I have connected with Him and resolved to make the companionship permanent. That’s why I don’t give a damn to any view that will make me live in manner that will displease Him; no matter who it’s coming from or what it appears I may lose. I have resolved to follow God fully.

I am not saying that’s easy but I have and I still pray to God to help me remain stuck to him. May God help you to establish and maintain and unbreakable connections with God!

Editor’s Note: Feel free to drop your comment, commendation or question on this topic by scrolling down to comment box below. We will love to hear from you.

Ifeanyichukwu Dinwoke

Ifeanyichukwu 'Brojid' Dinwoke is a Media Strategist, Web Developer & Book Publisher. At Brojid World, he creates blog, podcast, and book that inspire you for peak performance in life and work. He is madly in love with Chidinma Eberechukwu (@chidinmadinwoke) who agreed to be the wife of his youth!

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