Brojid Sisters

Brojid Sisters

Every big brother protects his sisters from harmful influences, but I go beyond protecting my sisters* with my muscles to guide them with wisdom for living.


I teach them how to deal with their challenges, become all that God created them to be and become capable women to her world, her husband and children.


BrojidSisters is not necessarily my five blood sisters – Nwaka, Kele, Cheee, Chima, and Ezy; but any woman who considers me worthy to teach, mentor or coach her.


If you care for what I share with them, see the last thought I shared with them on Brojid Sisters Blog here


To join our weekly WhatsApp seminar, Brojid Sisters Hangout, send ‘BSH’ as a WhatsApp message to 0810554664 or better still, click on this link to join.


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